Friday, October 10, 2014

Our Wedding Day

This day was one of the most amazing I have ever experienced. During our interviewing process to be married in the temple. Ron's Stake President encouraged both Ron and I to pray for the spirit to testify to us that we were for each other. I remember his words as these... The only difference between and civil wedding and a wedding in the temple is the spirit sealing you together, pray for that spirit to be there and testify to you. So that if ever, during life you ever doubt your decision, you can look back and know without a doubt that you received that witness for yourself on your wedding day.

During the week before Ron and I both prayed separately and together for that spiritual confirmation. Early the next morning around 6:00am Ron came and picked me and my suitcase up and we headed for the Salt Lake Temple. So many feelings or excitement and anxiousness running through us. As soon as we got to the temple we met with our parents. I went with mom to the dressing rooms and she helped me dress into my temple cloths. The next time I saw Ron was in the Celestial room of the temple. We had a while to wait and so we wandered through the different rooms connected to the celestial room, I remember talking in whispers as we walked to each section. So happy in anticipation. Finally some temple workers came and let us to the veil where they facilitated me telling Ron my temple name. I remember how much I loved knowing it was Ron's hand I was holding through the veil. His hands had become so familiar to me now. I couldn't believe I was about to marry this amazing man. 

Our sealer was an amazing man neither Ron or I had ever met before. We were married in sealing room 10. He spoke with us for a few minutes before leading us into the sealing room where all of our family and friends were waiting. He said so many amazing things before sealing us. I wish I could remember the things he spoke of... Prayer, Covenants, Love. At one time during his comments he said that Ron and I were meant to be together. There was such a wonderful and powerful spirit present as we knelt across the alter from each other and covenanted with God and each other. I remember both Ron and I were overcome with emotions. It was the happiest moment of my life thus far. After the ceremony our sealer said that it was one of the most spiritual wedding ceremonies he had ever been apart of. Both Ron and I had received that sweet and undeniable witness we had prayed for.

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