Sunday, August 31, 2014


The Sunday Following my home coming I went with Ron to his singles ward. It was really interesting to be in a ward with only single people again. So fun to see everyone again, but most of all.. I had dreamed so many times of sitting in sacrament meeting holding Ron's hand and it had finally coming true. 

After Sunday school, we were standing in the hall waiting for all the classes to get out so we could all go to the 3rd meeting in the block. As we were waiting, all of Ron's friends gathered around us and started betting on when we would get engaged. I felt really awkward, I mean, who does that in front of the people they are betting on? Well, little did they know that at that very moment Ron had the ring in his suit jacket pocket. :)

We had plans later that day with Ron's family to eat dinner. But, they would still be in church for a few more hours. So, after we got in the car Ron asked me if I'd like to go on a drive. We ended up driving all the way up to Farmington Canyon where we had gone for our 4th date fourwheeling. Driving up, we both had forgotten the way and had to pull over and ask a police officer which way to go, Ron was really nervous to ask him, but it was a good thing we did! I don't think there is any way we would have found our way to the canyon if it weren't for him.
After driving all the way up to the top by Salten's Palace (The big building on the top of the mountain). Ron pulled over and we got out and looked over the valley, it was so beautiful the wind was blowing like crazy and there was no one around. 
After a few moments Ron pulled a letter out of his suit jacket, and asked me to read it out loud. In the letter Ron told me that he loved me and that he had missed me all those years when we were apart. He said that during that time we had written so many letters to each other and now he hoped that this letter would be the last letter he would ever write to me because he never wanted to be apart from me again.
When I finished reading the letter Ron knelt down and asked me to be his wife :) Such Bliss.. One of the greatest and best memories of my life. I said YES! Without any hesitation and after he put the ring on my finger he ran to the car and got a camera and a tripod. None of the pictures turned out very good because of the wind. But it was so worth being up there in the cold. We got in the car and starting excitedly talking to each other about how we would tell our families. On the way down the canyon there were a few people on the side of the road and Ron suddenly rolled down the window, grabbed my hand and yelled at them.... "She said YES"!!

 Telling our families was so fun! We ran from place to place only spending a few minutes at each of our destinations. Heather and Dan took a screen shot of us right as we told them our big new! They had already known the dates we were planning on so that they could purchase Plan tickets in advance.

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